Shipping Point (Grade) InspectionFee
Seed Potatoes$0.15 per CWT
All Other Inspections$0.21 per CWT
Commodities other than potatoHourly rate
Shipping Point Inspection$50.00 per hour

Shipping point inspections will be billed for mileage and travel time in excess of 40 round trip miles from the nearest shipping point at the current state reimbursement rate for each trip to a shipping point site.

Commodities other than potato will be billed at USDA specified hourly rates due to the specialized nature of the inspection.


GHP/GAP Audit (USDA Rate, changes annually)$155.00 per hour

Note: An additional $250 GFSI certification fee will be assessed by USDA for Harmonized GAP Plus audits.


**Prices effective 2/01/2025